


portrait miniature, miniature, European portrait miniature, museum communication


The study is devoted to the influence of portrait miniatures on the development of museum communication, in particular its role in the formation of museum collections and exhibition activities. The article focuses on the growing interest in miniatures as a means of preserving cultural heritage and their importance in the dialogue between the past and the present through museum exhibitions. The article analyses the challenges and prospects of using miniatures in museum practice, with a special focus on conservation and presentation technologies. The paper presents the historical context of the emergence and development of portrait miniatures in Europe, with an emphasis on the technical and artistic features that distinguish this genre from other forms of portrait art. Purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of portrait miniature in the historical, cultural and museum context of Europe, as well as to identify strategies for its effective integration into contemporary museum communication. The paper highlights the historical value and uniqueness of portrait miniatures, and, at the same time, the challenges associated with their preservation, presentation, and accessibility to modern audiences. Methodology. The study used historical and comparative historical methods to trace the emergence of the phenomenon of miniature portraiture and the development of its production technologies. The systematic and cultural method was used to trace the role of miniature portraits as an important phenomenon in social relations during the 16th and 19th centuries. Methods of generalisation, synthesis and analysis were used to draw conclusions and decisions regarding the presentation of miniature portraits. Results. The European portrait miniature is not only an exceptional artistic phenomenon, but also an important element in the system of museum communication, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical context. The styles and techniques used by artists of different eras, from the Renaissance to Neoclassicism, are analysed, emphasising the importance of the miniature as a means of personal and cultural expression. Modern methods of digitalisation and virtual implementation of museum collections have been established, allowing a wide audience to explore miniatures in detail, going beyond the physical space of museums. Scientific novelty. The paper presents the means of digital digitalisation and virtual visualisation of miniature portraits in museum exhibitions, which open new horizons for access to works of art, preserving them for future generations, and providing new forms of interactivity and educational interaction with the public. Recommendations for optimal storage and conservation conditions, as well as restoration methods that allow restoring the original appearance of miniatures without damaging their historical value, are proposed, considering the challenges associated with the physical preservation of miniatures, such as exposure to light, humidity and temperature fluctuations. The role of miniatures in museum communication and the use of materials about miniature portraits in educational programmes are emphasised. The article shows how museums can effectively implement digital technologies to create deeper and more meaningful museum experiences that promote cultural exchange and understanding. The inclusion of interactive elements, such as virtual tours, augmented reality, and interactive educational games, can increase visitor engagement and make learning about art history more fun. Practical significance. The article presents opportunities for global cultural exchange through international museum partnerships and online platforms, using the potential of digital tools to expand access to cultural resources. This includes a discussion of projects that allow virtual «travel» between museums around the world and access to their miniature collections, which promotes intercultural dialogue and cooperation.


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How to Cite

Karpov, V. (2024). EUROPEAN PORTRAIT MINIATURE IN THE SPACE OF MUSEUM COMMUNICATION. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 86–93.

