


concrete, properties, constructions, production wastes, light concrete, expanded clay concrete, porous aggregate, local materials, strength, density, resource saving


Purpose. The purpose of the work is proving of possibility of using expanded clay concrete on carbonate sand in monolithic bearing and enclosing structures and in reinforced concrete elements and structures. Methodology. The research is based on the analysis of literary sources and experience in the use of local materials and industrial waste for light concrete in building structures. Results. Until recently, experimental and theoretical studies conducted in our country and abroad indicated the possibility of using light concretes mainly for external enclosing structures. At present, the possibility of effective use is also proved for structural elements. Light concretes have the following advantages over heavy ones: less own weight of structures, the possibility of using industrial waste as raw materials for aggregates, as well as solving the problem of crushed stone deficiency through the use of local materials. The largest volume of porous aggregates production in our country are artificial aggregates obtained by roasting. Even the same aggregates have significant differences in structure, composition and properties, their maximum consideration and improvement of design solutions can contribute to additional savings in material resources. Scientific novelty. The possibility of using light concrete on porous aggregates for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with a strength of 5... 30 MPa is proved. Practical significance. Rational use of light concretes allows solving ecological, resource-saving and economic problems of modern construction due to utilization of technological and technogenic waste in the manufacture of large and smallpore aggregates. Intensive introduction of light concrete into construction practice is one of the sources of technical progress.


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How to Cite

Stolevich, I., Posternak, O., Petrash, S., Kostyuk, A., & Urazmanova, N. (2024). CONCRETES ON POROUS AGGREGATE IN BUILDING. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 63–69.

