


civil protection, countering terrorist acts in urban environments, military actions, regulatory framework, explosions, steel structures, destruction


The aim of the study is to analyze the regulatory framework in the field of civil protection and its impact on the effectiveness of countering terrorist acts in urban environments, protecting the civilian population, and the economic component of the national economy in the context of military actions with the russian federation. The research methodology is based on the principles of unity of theory and practice, systematic research, development, objectivity, and abstraction. Within the scope of the research, an analysis of contemporary domestic and foreign regulatory documentation in the field of civil protection was conducted, which allowed for identifying trends and shortcomings of existing methodological approaches. The results of surveys of destroyed real estate objects due to terrorist acts and during military operations indicate a wide range of damage caused by mines, artillery shelling, air strikes, explosions, and fires. Objects located close to the front suffer destruction due to artillery shelling and shooting, while those far from the front more often become victims of terrorist acts, missile strikes, and bombings. The research outcomes involve identifying specific provisions of construction norms that require improvement and determining ways to develop progressive volumetric-planning and constructive solutions for construction objects from the perspective of resistance to the impact of explosive waves, fragments, and fire. The regulatory framework and practical experience of surveys demonstrate the need for improving construction norms, especially concerning countering terrorist acts in urban environments through architectural-constructive means, fire protection, and the resilience of building structures under the influence of explosions and fires. Particular attention was paid to the difference in methods of designing steel structures and their behavior under the impact of dynamic loads. The research also critically analyzes approaches to accounting for explosive waves and proposes possible ways to improve the calculation methodology. Such a comprehensive approach allows understanding the dynamics of destruction of building structures and developing more effective civil protection strategies in the conditions of military conflicts. The scientific novelty lies in identifying gaps in the current regulatory framework and proposed ways to resolve them by systematizing and analyzing the results of surveys of destroyed real estate objects in conditions of military actions. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of improving national standards in the field of civil protection and increasing the resilience of building structures to the impact of combat actions.


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How to Cite

But, M., Ignatkov, V., Chemakina, O., & Sotnikov, D. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGNING CIVIL DEFENSE FACILITIES. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 12–20.

