


synthesis of arts, architectural design, urban environment, national identity, artistic style, innovative methods, modern technologies, innovation, cultural heritage, historical buildings, decorative and applied arts


The questions of forming of architectural environment are examined so that by means of design and use of national features architectural artistic offenses play a substantial role social, spiritual life of society, forming a world view and national identity. The purpose of the work is to identify modern innovative design technologies and the use of national features of architectural artistic images and forms in the formation of the urban environment. The methodological basis of the study is based on the use of general scientific methods of research: analysis, comparison, generalization of various ideas and proposals of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of the formation of the architectural urban environment. Scientific novelty. As result of the study, promising technologies and approaches to design in the formation of the urban architectural environment using elements of national cultures were revealed. Practical significance. For subjects of design activities, three levels of complexity of creating a domestic design forms; highly qualified design creation at the world level regarding the repetition of fashionable forms invented by designers from Western countries; high-art design creation with the involvement of the deep values of the national culture of Ukraine in the synthesis of their design and architecture, the latest achievements of world design thought. Conclusions. The creation of a modern image of the urban environment requires the introduction of new ideas and the use of the full potential of architecture and design in the formation of a cultural space with elements of national characteristics of the urban environment.


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