


modern architecture, exhibition centers, exhibition spaces, trends and world experience in designing exhibition complexes


The article examines modern trends in the formation of the exhibition space of exhibition centers, factors affecting the rethinking of the principles of the formation of the exhibition space, the search for a conceptual and scenario structure of the structure of modern exhibitions. Purpose. To analyze the world experience of designing exhibition centers and complexes; to consider the global design practice according to urban planning, functional, architectural and expositional criteria; to reveal trends in the formation of the architecture of modern exhibition centers. Methodology. The analysis of literary sources and foreign experience is used as research methods to justify the results. Results. The research results showed the following main trends in the formation of museum-exhibition exhibition spaces: architectural innovation, interactivity, multimedia, interdisciplinary approach, socio-cultural relevance, environmental sustainability. The scientific novelty of this study consists in a comprehensive analysis of modern trends in the formation of exhibition exposition spaces, as well as their impact on the interaction between the visitor and the exposition. The research takes into account not only architectural aspects, but also innovative approaches to the use of interactive technologies, multimedia tools and interaction with the fields of art and science. Such a comprehensive analysis is new in the context of researching the museum and exhibition sphere and promoting the understanding of modern approaches to creating exhibitions that meet the needs and expectations of the modern viewer. Practical relevance. Understanding trends allows you to create modern exhibition exhibition spaces that ensure successful interaction between the exhibition and the viewer, increase the effectiveness of education and contribute to a deep understanding of the presented material.


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Любельчук А. Основні тенденції формування музейних та виставкових просторів у сучасному світі Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Політ. Сучасні проблеми науки». Київ, 2023.



How to Cite

Liubelchuk, A., & Kostiuchenko, O. (2023). ARCHITECTURAL FORMATION TRENDS OF MODERN EXHIBITION CENTERS. Theory and Practice of Design, (29-30), 82–88.

