


the simplest shelters, a means of increasing protective properties, landscape design, gabions, landscaping and floral design


The article highlights one of the most urgent problems today, the protection of the civil population in the conditions of modern war. The main requirements of the current legislative and regulatory documentation, recommendations of the State Emergency Service were analyzed. The current state of the available simplest shelters in the basement and basement floors of buildings is analyzed; the vulnerability of the part of the wall that protrudes above the ground. The danger of using a technical room as the simplest shelter in panel houses has been determined; design features and the possibility of using basements in late “stalniks”. The measures recommended by regulatory documentation to reduce the severity of damage for storage facilities and anti-radiation shelters were considered. Modern methods and normative documents regarding the use of gabions, their shape and filling are analyzed. The purpose of this study is to develop proposals for improving the protective properties of the simplest shelters in existing houses using gabions, which at the same time perform a decorative function. Methodology. Theoretical research methods, analysis of current legislative and regulatory documentation, experience of modern war are used. The results. The method of increasing the protective properties of the simplest shelter in the basement and basement rooms by creating a second protective wall of the basement room is substantiated. Scientific novelty. The types of gabion structures are proposed and the option of placing a wall of cylindrical gabions with a diameter of 0.6 m installed in a checkerboard pattern along the outer wall of the room is elaborated in detail. The dependence of the distance of the gabion wall from the outer wall of the house and the height of such a wall is substantiated. The composition of the mixture for filling the gabion and its protective properties in comparison with a concrete wall are stipulated. Options for landscaping and floral design of the gabion wall are offered. Practical significance. Research results can be used in practice to strengthen the protective properties of the simplest shelters.


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How to Cite

Zhydkova, T. (2023). GABIONS AS AN ELEMENT OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF HOME TERRITORIES. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 237–244.

