


First World War, artistic phenomena, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, Košice modernism, art of the first third of the XX century


Purpose. Analysing the cultural and artistic processes during the first third of the twentieth century in Ukraine and Slovakia, investigating the impact of the First World War on the art and demonstrating the common aesthetic pursuits of artists who had been working in Ukraine and Slovakia during that period. Methodology of the performed research is based on the use of the complex scientific approach to study cultural and artistic phenomena, which combines comparative visual analysis with historical and cultural research methods. Results. Implementing a comparative description of two artistic phenomena which were active during the First World War in Ukraine and Slovakia would allow to rethink the role of cultural traditions on those territories and open a new page in the study of Ukrainian-Slovak artistic connections. An analysis of the art pieces being made during the war and in the post-war period would help to assess how artists reacted on the crisis phenomena of the War’s reality. Conducting a comparative study will identify common and distinctive features of the works by Ukrainian and Slovak artists in the context of European art at the XX century. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that, for the first time, it carried out a comparative characterization of two equal meaningful artistic phenomena of Ukraine and Slovakia, which were formed under the influence of the events of the First World War – the artistic group of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (further – USR) and Košice modernism. However, it should be noted that this work is only the initial stage of delving into the specified topic and needs the further coverage. Practical relevance. The results of this study could be used as educational materials for students studying art history both in Ukraine and in Slovakia. They can also be useful for professionals in this field. The research materials will be donated to libraries of educational institutions. This research has been written by financial support of the FPU (“Fond na podporu umenia”) foundation, call no.101/2022, subprogram 3.8 “Research and critical reflection on art in exile (Š)”.


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