architectural and planning organization, architectural environment, interior space, harmony, public spaces, deconstructivism, scale, urban environment, spatial analysis, spatial landscape, pedestrian spaces, perception, formAbstract
The article examines the topic of creating internal spatial landscapes in deconstructivism objects, in particular in museum and exhibition complexes that were built in Europe during a quarter of a century from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st centuries. The principles of organizing the directions of visitors’ movement, the spatial composition of volumes, the philosophical content, the identification of features and individual features of interiors in the style of deconstructivism are highlighted. Analyzing the topic of creating internal spatial landscapes in objects of deconstructivism, in particular in museum and exhibition complexes built in European capitals, the principles of organizing the directions of visitor movement, the spatial composition of volumes, and the philosophical content are highlighted. Features and individual features of interiors in the style of deconstructivism are revealed. The turn of architectural thinking and the emergence of a new, non-linear paradigm in the creation of internal space in buildings created in the period of postmodernist and deconstructivist assertion have been studied [13]. In order to generalize the classification of the routes of the internal construction of museum and exhibition buildings, which form a path for visitors, it is proposed to add two types of spatial schemes. The first is «serendipna» from the English serendipity – intuitive, random, selective, chaotic. This term, which is used by scientists, was introduced by the domestic researcher of the theory of architecture, Olena Oliynyk [5], to denote the concept of freedom and planned chaos of an artificially formed space. The visitor’s movement includes the possibility of self-selection of the route and the associated possibility of an unexpected meeting with a likely likeminded person near the favorite exhibit. The named type of organization of the internal space of deconstructive structures is the most widespread and includes the radial and star-ray direction of movement of visitors. The name of the second scheme of movement is «directive» from the English direction – controlled, thorough, consistent, purposeful, obsessive. The term is proposed to be introduced to clarify the characteristics of the considered schemes, namely to combine enfilade, perimeter, spiral and bispiral organization of movement in the buildings of museums and exhibition complexes of deconstructivist architecture.
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