



discrete-parametric design, parametrics in design, algorithmic design, voxel, computer-aided design


The paper is devoted to the study of an innovative design method associated with the automated discrete-parametric representation of the frameworks of modeled objects, taking into account not only the visual and aesthetic characteristics of the product, but also the technological capabilities of its manufacture and the economic performance of the project as a whole. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop the basics of discrete-voxel parametric design as a fundamentally new offshoot of the modern style of “parametric design”. The object of study is discrete- voxel parametric design. The formalization of the design process and the use of computer computing algorithms provide designers and architects with access to an infinite range of shapeforming algorithms that make it easy to generate creative forms of environmental objects and, at the same time, to show the creative approach that is so important for artists. Results. A critical analysis of “parametric design” was carried out, which allowed us to identify its main shortcomings in relation to the design of design objects created using classical parametrics. Scientific novelty. Effective mathematical algorithms for the discrete formation of visual form frame elements have been developed, based on an intuitive set of vectors that form an image as if stretching its contour. Practical relevance. The practical implementation of ideas in the form of a finished product is possible only if the manufacturing technology is affordable. If the implementation requires significant resources or is not possible, then it is worth using design methods that are adapted to the technological capabilities of production. The proposed new approach to design allows us to get rid of the identified shortcomings of the classical parametric approach, and the use of voxel models, which are the basis of the proposed method, allows us to ensure the possibility and manufacturability of manufacturing three-dimensional forms, similar to the assembly of a construction set. The developed algorithms will allow to implement optimal design approaches taking into account the technological capabilities of manufacturing design objects, which, in turn, will ensure the economic efficiency of the project. The proposed fundamentally new style of design development – discretevoxel parametric design – will in many cases be more efficient and devoid of the disadvantages inherent in classical “parametric design”.

Author Biographies

Serhiy Pustiulha, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Architecture and Design

Volodymyr Samchuk, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph.D. Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

Oksana Pasichnyk, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph.D. Architecture, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Architecture and Design

Ruslan Chugai, Lutsk National Technical University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Design

Nataliia Hradyska, Lutsk National Technical University

Assistant of the Department of Architecture and Design


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How to Cite

Pustiulha, S., Samchuk, V., Pasichnyk, O., Chugai, R., & Hradyska, N. (2023). DISCRETE-VOXEL PARAMETRIC DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 165–174. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.27.21

