



automotive artificial structure, superstructure, mode of operation, technical condition, state coefficient, scheduled works, remaining service life, assessment of situation, load capacity assessment, condition assessment factor


Purpose. Factors that influence the operational evaluation of the highway bridge structure in various operating conditions were analyzed, to evaluate the influence of the indicators of traffic conditions on the highway bridge, the indicator of the assessment of situations and the passage of water under the bridge structure, thanks to which the load capacity and operating mode can be evaluated. Methodology. It has been established that for more than 50 years, scientists from different countries have been working on the problem of assessing the technical condition of artificial road transport structures during operation. It is known that during the life cycle the condition of an artificial structure gradually deteriorates, therefore, in the system of operational work, a selection of criteria is needed, with the help of which you can have answers to the following questions: 1) to what extent does the existing state of the automobile artificial structure correspond to its functional purpose? 2) how quickly will the need to repair the entire building or one of its main structural elements appear? 3) what is the period of trouble-free operation of an automobile artificial structure that can be counted on? 4) how can it be more convenient to optimize and calculate expenses for repair and reconstruction? It has been analyzed that the daily practice of operating artificial automobile structures may raise other similar questions. Results. A new method is proposed, according to which the state of road bridges will be evaluated with points – 5, 4, 3, 2. This method will provide a more abbreviated description of the state of the road bridge depending on the operational technical condition. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the regularities of the analysis of the general operational evaluation of road bridges from the operational evaluations of various influencing factors were characterized. Practical relevance. The practical significance of the article is that thanks to the encryption according to the proposed method of assessing the state of highway bridges, it is possible to immediately determine the characteristics of the technical state with the remaining service life of the elements, depending on the influence of the listed state coefficients.

Author Biographies

Gennady Talavira, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies of Airport Construction and Reconstruction

Oleksandr Dubyk, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies of Airport Construction and Reconstruction


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How to Cite

Talavira, G., & Dubyk, O. (2023). OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE CONDITION OF HIGHWAY BRIDGE STRUCTURES IN UKRAINE. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 109–117. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.27.14

