


stopping point, transport interchange, transport system, airport area, airport, terminal complex


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of foreign and domestic experience regarding planning solutions for transport stop points at airport landfills and to identify their impact on the formation of transport and transfer hubs. The article presents the generalized results of the current state of engineering and planning solutions for stopping points in solid waste and reveals the factors of influence of spatial and spatial planning solutions on the formation of transport and interchange nodes. The areas of improvement and development of the functional-spatial organization of solid waste are considered The article is aware of its purpose, namely, it presents the generalized results of the state of planning decisions of transport stop stations in airport landfills, determines the influencing factors on the formation of transport and transfer hubs in airports. The analysis of the current development of planning solutions for stopping points at the landfill made it possible to form a classification of transport and transfer hubs on the basis of the airport. The foreign experience of spatial and planning solutions for solid waste showed that now Ukrainian airports have only begun to approach the world-class level of the organization of stopping points with the further formation of transport and transfer hubs on the territory of the airport area. The conducted research made it possible to identify the main factors that influence the formation of engineering and planning solutions for stopping points of transport and transfer hubs at airports. These include: the presence of rail transit lines inside the airport; inclusion of the airport transport system in suburban and city transport; the presence and variety of stopping points formed by road and rail types of vehicles (buses, taxis, metro, electric transport and monorail).

Author Biography

Ruslan Pustovoit, National Aviation University

Рostgraduate student, Departmеnt of Architecture


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