camouflage of airfields, impact of airfields on urban environment, landscape camouflage, architectural camouflage, graphic methods of camouflage, technical means of camouflage, aesthetic camouflageAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of using the camouflage of airfields in Ukraine by means of urbanism, architecture, design, and technical means. The main means of masking aircraft complexes and the methods that can be used to achieve the masking effect are defined. Purpose. Analysis of modern trends in urban, architectural and design art that can be applied to camouflage airfields. Establishing the key directions of development of projects of masking aircraft complexes. Methodology. Theoretical research methods were used (analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of camouflage of airfields by means of urbanism, architecture and design). Results. Disguising means are considered in detail: landscape design, architectural disguising, graphic design, technical means, aesthetic disguising. Scientific novelty. Measures and methods of masking airfields by means of urbanism, architecture, design and technical means are highlighted and systematized. The experience of using camouflage of domestic and foreign aircraft complexes is analyzed. A new term “masking of aircraft complexes” was introduced. Practical significance. Research results can be used in the construction of new air complexes, as well as in the reconstruction of existing ones. Disguising airfields by means of urbanism, architecture, design in combination with technical means is an important task for preserving the aesthetic appeal of cities and the maximum possible fusion of airfields with the local environment. This may include changing the design of buildings, using natural materials and colors to suit the local landscape and cultural context. At the same time, it can help reduce the negative impact of aviation on the environment, in particular noise and air pollution.
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