airfields, near-airfield territories, state building regulations, design, construction, spatial planning organization of airfield, airfield structures, airfield coverings, drainage and drainage systems, foundation, airfield complexAbstract
The creation of regulatory support for the design and construction of such complex objects as airfield complexes requires a balanced approach and consideration of modern trends in the development of similar objects in technically developed countries, as well as international requirements. Conducting an analysis of domestic and foreign regulatory support for the design, construction and operation of airfields turns out to be a relevant direction of scientific knowledge. It is advisable to systematically solve the formation of the sectoral regulatory framework for the design and construction of airport complexes. The introduction of a comprehensive set of regulatory documentation for the design and construction of airfield complexes using a systematic approach will make it possible to create air transport infrastructure facilities with an increased level of safety, durability, meeting the needs of the national economy and the population, preventing accidents and man-made disasters, and promoting the development of the country’s foreign economic activity aimed at to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness on the world market, increase energy efficiency and use modern technologies and the latest materials and production processes aimed at creating airport complexes of Ukraine that would meet modern international requirements. The development of modern state building regulations for the design and construction of airfields, in combination with aviation safety standards, plays an extremely important role in ensuring the policy of open skies and is an important task for the development of the aviation industry of Ukraine.
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