architecture, architectural inheritance, layering of buildings of different times, formation of spatial frame, architectural studies, classification, center of Kiev, building, monuments, objects of architectural inheritance, old-fashioned, modernAbstract
The article reveals in a chronological context the peculiarities of the development of architectural heritage in the center of Kyiv. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of domestic and foreign cultural experts, urbanists, and geo-urbanists. Kyiv is one of the cities not only of Ukraine, but also of the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe, which is characterized by the presence of a city center that is large in area and rich and “deep” in terms of history. At the same time, the Kyiv city center is not limited, as in many other cities of Ukraine, to the historical center itself, but is a broader concept that encompasses those areas of the capital where the unique “spirit” of Kyiv is present. It has been established that Kyiv has a very deep history of the architectural development of the historical city center. The architectural heritage of Kyiv up to the 20th century is presented chronologically by the following periods: the 9’th – the first half of the 13’th century (Kyiv Rus), the 14’th – 16’th century (Lithuanian-Polish period), the first half of the 17’th century (reconstruction of Kyiv during the period of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla), the second half of the 17’th – 18’th centuries (period of Hetmanship), XIX century (imperial period). The Kyiv-Rus period covers the times from the legendary “City of Kyiv” on Starokyivska Gora to the cities of Volodymyr and Yaroslav, which encompass the modern Old City. In parallel with this, a craft enclave developed in Podil and a religious and administrative enclave in Pechersk. The Mongol invasion in 1240 pushed Kyiv’s development back several centuries. The Lithuanian-Polish era was characterized by the geographical expansion of downtown Kyiv, more active development of Podol, Kudryavets, and Pechersk. Starting from the 18’th and throughout the 19’th century, the city center expanded in the southern and western directions. At the same time, Kyiv architecture also underwent changes, its stylistic specificity changed (medieval styles – baroque – modern), the number of floors increased, streets and individual buildings were differentiated. After all, the 20’th century was marked by the completion of the design of the Kyiv city center in almost its current form.
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