



periodization of park construction in Kyiv, socio-cultural factors of park formation, historical parks, memorial parks


Purpose. To justify the periodization of park construction in the city of Kyiv, to outline the characteristic features of the formation of park space, as well as the role of socio-cultural processes in its formation and transformation. Methodology. The basis for conducting research is the environmental approach. The process of formation and transformation of the architectural and planning composition of historical and memorial parks of the city of Kyiv is considered as a material expression of socio-cultural processes. The materials were the results of research into the historical and memorial parks of Kyiv, including the use of field and analytical methods, namely: historical data on the formation and development of park territories were obtained based on the study of scientific sources of literature, archival materials (iconographic, written and cartographic), as well as own route surveys of territories. Results. The article systematizes the available scientific information on the periodization of the formation of parks in Kyiv, provides its critical analysis, summarizes a set of studies of historical aspects of the formation and development of park construction, including in terms of socio-cultural factors, which made it possible to deepen knowledge about the peculiarities of the formation of a park environment, as well as to determine their regularities during different periods of development. Emphasized attention is paid to the historical aspects of the formation and transformation of the architectural and planning composition of historical and memorial parks in the structure of the city of Kyiv as a material expression of sociocultural processes and normative and value views that dominated society. Scientific novelty. The features of the formation of parks in the city of Kyiv during various stages of the city's development are outlined, which made it possible to reveal the regularities of the influence of socio-cultural factors on the compositional techniques of the formation of the park environment, as well as its transformation. According to the results of a complex of studies, the specification of the periodization of park construction in the city of Kyiv is substantiated. Practical significance. The regularities of the formation of the park environment are characterized as a material expression of socio-cultural processes, which can be used in the assessment of the current state, aesthetic and cultural-historical potential of park objects, as well as the development of architectural and restoration tasks for the reconstruction and adaptation of parks-memorial parks art.

Author Biography

Nadiia Gatalska, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Architecture, Docent, Department of Landscape Architecture
and Park Art


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