


Form Based Code, сonventional zoning, tools, residential area, industrial area recreational area, development, urban planning, open space, streets, volumetric parameters


The middle of the 20th century it was observed sprawl cites to cause by the quick population growth, the development of the automotive industry and housing policies that were aimed at the spread to private home ownership. In such conditions, it was impossible to predict what type of building development would be, so it was need for looking for new ways to solve this problem. In the same way, there was a need for revise existing zoning documents and a new tool was needed to regulating building development. The Form Based Code principles are universal, and these principles adaptation will be allowed to save and to improve the urban environment in the modern cities. In an urban environment that is required renovation or it is had the ability to accommodate new buildings and structures, Form Based Code will be significantly speeded up the development process and project approval. In Europe countries have long developed clear and yet invisible rules that is created a comfortable and non-aggressive environment. In Ukrainian cities, building regulation is happened according to functional zoning, while a set of parameters is used that it isn’t allowed to get understandable and predictable buildings development what will be been to dissonance. The parameters are set to solve the characteristics in the urban environment, to solve problem that was identified at the stage of analysis, or vice versa, to save the valuable characteristics in the urban environment. Today attempts are being made to create a comfortable urban environment for city residents in Ukraine. The Design Сodes have been developed in Zhitomir, in Kiev. Despite Ukraine's lag behind developed countries in understanding the values of the urban environment, it need to use this approach to solve specific problem for the development regulation in the city. In article opportunities to improve the aesthetic appearance of the urban environment have been presented to base on Form Based Code which a completely different level of relationship is provided in the urban space. It has been shown comparative characteristic principles coding in comparison between traditional zoning. The main vector regulation of public spaces has been determined by the example of Kharkov in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Mykolaivna Chepurna, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Construction and Economy

Tetiana Volodymyrivna Zhidkova, National Aviation University

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Olena Mykolaivna Dudka, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of Department of Architecture of Building and Structure


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How to Cite

Chepurna, S. M., Zhidkova, T. V., & Dudka, O. M. (2022). TOOLS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC URBAN SPACE. Theory and Practice of Design, (26), 230–238.

