clothes; stones; rim; jewelry; decorations; Victorian Gothic; machinery; concept; ware; Gothic; stained glass windows; philosophy; decorative arts; art; fashionAbstract
The question of the synthesis of arts has always involved the combination of different types of art within a single object, such as, for example, architecture and sculpture, architecture and fresco painting, architecture and mosaic, stained glass, etc. But now the list of art types that can be in an interesting and unusual synthesis has expanded significantly. In a number of articles, we offered an overview of jewelry that in a certain way represents a synthetic combination of monumental architectural and, actually, miniature jewelry art. Various methods of using integral architectural structures, general street and urban ensembles, individual architectural elements, building plans, and characteristic images were presented. This article offers a review of the continuation of this trend, which has ancient roots, but gained particular popularity at the beginning of the 21st century, capturing numerous individual creative workshops and large jewelry houses. The fashion for architectural elements captivates fashion designers and fabric artists who create finished images based on architectural concepts. I especially want to single out a separate trend related to the Gothic subculture, which also gained popularity at the beginning of the 21st century. The article carries out a systematic analysis of the latest meaning of the concept of "Gothic" and its aesthetic model - the culture of Britain at the end of the 19th century, the dark manifestations of which were called "Victorian Gothic". Aspects of the revival of characteristic Gothic elements in Britain, their evolution and eclecticism with ethnic motifs are considered; formation of the concept of "Neo-Gothic" and directly "Victorian Gothic". Characteristic elements of Gothic architecture, such as stained-glass rosettes and gargoyles, become one of the favorite motifs of clothing and jewelry designers who work in this direction. Looking at the works of famous artists, such as the Italian studio Videnoir and Guo Pei, the essence of the concept of "architectural fashion" becomes clear, as their collections directly transfer images of architectural details, and sometimes entire buildings, to clothes. At the same time, they use both realistic and symbolic-metaphorical techniques; involve a wide variety of materials. The same artists are engaged in the creation of jewelry, which is sustained in the general style of the images. A careful review of their works makes it possible to generalize the features of the manifestation of the "Victorian Gothic" style in modern jewelry and clothing design.
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