Unmanned Aircraft Systems; ergodesign quality indicators, ergodesign requirements for the main components of UAS; psychophysiological requirements; ergonomic design verification and validationAbstract
Article is grounded on results of scholar research which make possible to form the basic directions of future development in increasing efficiency, safety and comfort of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operation. That can be possible due to using systematic application of ergodesign principles, methodological techniques and methods of their design and operation; development of ergodesign methods, indicators and requirements for ensuring the development of Unmanned Aerial Systems and relevant rules and methodical actions for their application based on comprehensive consideration of the human factor in the creation of such systems. The article is next part of publication in 25th issue of this journal [1], in which authors proposed an approach to the design and operation of UAS, according to which ergodesign is considered not only as a progressive methodology for the creation and production of high-quality scientific products, but as a different from the traditional design of products Ergodesign is a designing activity that takes into account the requirements of the human factor at each stage of the development and operation of unmanned aircraft systems. First of all, from implementation requirements and indicators of efficiency, safety and comfort of using UAS. The first steps in this direction is the definition, formation and substantiation of ergodesign quality indicators for main components of UAS were made in the abovementioned publication and previous works of the authors [1, 5-7]. This article deals with the methodological aspects of development and application of ergodesign indicators and requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
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Прийнятні методи відповідності та керівний матеріал для сертифікації повітряних суден, пов’язаних з ними виробів, компонентів та обладнання, а також організацій розробника та виробника (AMC та GM до АПУ-21(Part-21)) (Затверджені Наказом ДАСУ від 26.04.2019 № 529).