upcycling, scrapped vehicles, secondary materials, reuse, design, eco-designAbstract
Upcycling is the transformation of used materials/objects into new objects and/or materials of better quality, with a different function and often with better environmental value. Upcycling products are individually manufactured and mostly consist of repurposed objects. Thanks to the creative process, old parts, in particular parts from scrapped vehicles, are transformed into aesthetically new forms and functions. Upcycling reuses existing materials, saves raw materials, conserves energy and has a higher environmental benefit. The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibilities of upcycling, as one of the types of eco-design for creating designer items from scrapped vehicle parts. Modern methods of creating household objects from vehicle parts were evaluated by the method of analysis of literary sources. Based on a comparison of existing upcycling projects, design approaches applied to create new items from existing items are determined. If we consider upcycling from the point of view of object design, then the main task when building a product is to create a complete image while maintaining a balance of aesthetics and responsible production. To achieve such a result, form-forming, compositional coordination of the component parts of the object is necessary. In the case of upcycling, the need to create a complete image from already existing things, considering that in general, they all previously belonged to different products, each of which was created according to the laws of design and had its own character, represents the main challenge for the designer. Based on the analysis of the examples, it was found that in order to obtain an interesting result, as a rule, it is necessary to abstract from the initial purpose of the components, looking at them as a «raw» material. But in some cases where the previous object had a very special purpose, this «character» can enhance the new object if used associatively. This technique requires the designer to work professionally with the form. The simplest way seems to be replicative, where a recognizable part is taken from an iconic design object and compositionally coordinated with additional design elements. Techniques are proposed for harmonizing the «character» of all parts involved in one product.
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