


dance therapy, drama therapy, visual art therapy, music therapy, ecological design, rehabilitation centers


The purpose of the research is to analyze the foreign and domestic experience of atypical rehabilitation centers, to study the design solutions of these facilities. To find out the importance of art therapy as an atypical type of rehabilitation in modern conditions. The article presents the general results of the importance of art therapy in today’s rehabilitation, the most common types of therapy used around the world and their features are given. The main design solutions of various types of rehabilitation centers are considered. The article presents the generalized results of the state of art therapy in modern rehabilitation in the conditions of non-typical medical care facilities, including individual examples of foreign experience. The analysis of design and architectural solutions of rehabilitation centers shows that in the development of the rehabilitation center, more attention is paid to the creation of comfortable conditions that contribute to the effective work of medical personnel and the rapid recovery of patients. In addition, architectural projects include complex solutions to support the structural, functional and natural requirements of the project, as well as economic, social, environmental, sanitary, engineering and technical aspects developed in the architectural part. The study of the importance of art therapy in modern conditions of rehabilitation showed that there are different models of art therapy in different countries, it is worth noting that this technique has no contraindications and limitations. Art therapy gives a person in any condition the opportunity to express his inner world through creativity. There are four main types of therapy: dance therapy, drama therapy, visual art therapy, music therapy.

Author Biography

Liliia Gnatiuk, National Aviation University

Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Interior Design, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design


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