



Dnipro city, Katerynoslav, Dnipropetrovs’k, revitalization, historical heritage, periods of city development


The current state of the historical cities of Ukraine is characterized by the presence of problems related to the detailed study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage. Оne of this problems is the need to improve the composition of the cities and ensure the authenticity of the historically formed environment. This is due to the current state of the theory and practice of architecture in Ukraine, to which, first of all, was brought about by the statesmanship of the Soviet Union, whose policy was aimed at destroying the national identity of national minorities, i.e. republics such as Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and others. Because of such policy, the study and generalization of the architectural activity experience took place in a fragmentary manner. The architectural and aesthetic aspects of the revitalization of historical cities were purposefully not taken into account, but instead, the reconstruction of the historical environment with the planting of new Soviet architecture was in the first place. Such a policy mostly led to the loss of a valuable historical environment. The Dnipro city is located on both banks of the Dnipro River. Historically, the construction of the city was carried out on the right – high bank, for which later some people called it “the city on three hills”. Today, Dnipro city is an important transport hub, including for river transport. A passenger and cargo river port is located here. Industrial facilities occupy almost half of the city’s territory and make up a significant part of its economy (metallurgical complex, machine and rocket engineering, light industry, etc.). The volume of production decreased significantly during the independence of Ukraine, as a result of which some industrial facilities are currently abandoned and neglected. The revitalization of former industrial zones and the establishment of technoparks are an urgent urban planning issue. One of these projects has been implemented. In addition to industry, the city has a developed financial and economic sector, with two stock exchanges and numerous enterprises operating. This study analyzed the historical and architectural development of the Dnipro city, and identified four main periods of the city’s development. The practical value of this study is that today, in the conditions of the unjustified Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the question of studying existing cities, their declaration, is very relevant. The purpose of the study is to analyze historical cartographic materials, to highlight the main stages of the development of the Dnipro city.

Author Biographies

Maksym Yasinskyi, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Conservation

Iryna Pohranychna, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Architecture, Asistent of the Departament of Architecture and Conservation 


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