


renovation; the architecture of modernism; authenticity; architectural monument; modernism; historical value; preservation; cultural and architectural flow


The research paper examines the problem of preserving architectural monuments of the modernism period by means of their renovation. The work summarizes new material on the researched topic and offers options for the renovation of individual buildings. The main attention during the research is directed to the analysis of the existing state of the architecture of the modernist period and the identification of the need for its renovation. Despite the appearance of the status of a protected object of architecture, the identification and emphasis of the unique constructions of the modernist period, it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of their preservation before the general public. The work presents a general overview of documents aimed at protecting buildings made in the style of modernism. During the achievement of the study, an analysis was carried out analysis of the condition of several existing objects of avant-garde modernism in their historical dynamics. The work clarifies the characteristic features of the architecture of the last century and evaluates the influence of architectural stylistic currents on the creation of a new architectural direction. Based on the analysis of the condition of buildings and structures, methods of improving their condition were identified. The following conclusions were made: 1. Modernist architecture needs renovation. 2. Modern construction can be achieved by changing the functions of construction and using modern architectural trends. The purpose of the article: to evaluate and analyze architectural processes, the period of modernism, and to develop methods of renovation within the framework of modern cultural and architectural currents. Methodology: in order to achieve the set goals, first of all, an analysis of documents and a historical comparison of the state of architecture was carried out, after which theoretical methods of studying the problem were used, among which direct, elementary-theoretical and structural-genetic analyzes can be distinguished. Scientific novelty: for the first time, a general analysis of modernist architecture was conducted and the need for renovation of the listed buildings was assessed.

Author Biography

Olha Kostiuchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning

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