architectural environment, autonomy, aquatic settlement, sustainable development, architectural and planning organization, housing, architectural designAbstract
The conceptual vision of the design of the architectural environment of autonomous aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development is highlighted. Approaches to the implementation of the design of the architectural environment of the corresponding types of settlements have been determined. The peculiarities of aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development have been identified and characterized. Approaches to the formation of aquatic settlements are defined and theoretically substantiated. The prerequisites for the creation of autonomous aquatic settlements have been determined. The purpose of the research is highlighted by integrating the group components of individual aspects of the conceptual and perspective vision of the design of the architectural environment of autonomous aquatic settlements. The purpose of the work is to identify, based on the results of an exploratory and analytical study, the prerequisites and the formation of a conceptual and perspective vision of the design of the architectural environment of autonomous aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development. Identification of extraspatial and timeless principles of organization of ideal cities and development of methods of their use for specific stages. Research methodology. During the scientific work, the following research methods were used. Theoretical: analysis of literary sources, method of analysis, method of synthesis, method of comparison, method of systematization, method of generalization. Empirical: surveys, observations, experimental modeling. As a result of the research, problematic aspects of the formation of autonomous aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development were revealed. Approaches to the implementation of the design of the architectural environment of this type of settlement have been determined. The peculiarities of aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development have been identified and characterized. Approaches to the formation of aquatic settlements are defined and theoretically substantiated. The prerequisites for the creation of autonomous aquatic settlements have been determined. The theory of the formation of aquatic settlements in conditions of sustainable development has been developed.
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