


center of culture and arts; Sustainability; cultural heritage; planning organization; zoning, space


Modern centers of culture and arts are analyzed and compared with cultural and art institutions of the past. It has been determined which factors of CCA formation affect the sustainable development of cities. Goal. Study and generalization of the experience of architectural and planning organization, construction and operation of centers of culture and arts in the conditions of sustainable development of settlements. Methodology. The following methods of scientific research were used: – theoretical methods (analysis of the domestic experience of designing and building the object under study based on design materials and real experience of visiting them); – empirical methods (determination of optimal capacity limits, comfort level); method of experimental design (working on the researched topic); The results. The peculiarities of the architectural and planning organization of the CCA were determined, and a comparative characteristic was developed on the subject of changes in the approaches to the design of the CCA over the past few years. The impact of CCA on the sustainable development of the city is substantiated. Scientific novelty. The relevance and importance of the formation of a new format CCM in the city are substantiated. The new functions of the CCA as a complex object of educational, social and artistic urban space are highlighted. The evolution of the formation of institutions related to art was studied and the peculiarities of their functional and architectural and planning organization were revealed. Practical significance. Methodical recommendations for architectural and planning decisions of centers of culture and arts have been developed. The main results of this work can be used in the development of a regulatory framework for the architectural and planning organization of cultural and educational structures.

Author Biography

Olha Kostiuchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning


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