architecture; multifunctional community center; administrative complex; territorial community; decentralization; public space; public building; planning organization; functional organization; two-way communication with the authorities; adaptability; multifunctionalityAbstract
The purpose is to determine the principles of architectural planning and functional organization of buildings of administrative complexes of territorial communities (ACTC). The article investigates the expediency of creating such objects as administrative complexes from the point of view of the development of territorial communities on the basis of existing foreign and domestic experience. Methodology. The following methods were used: analysis of literature sources, analysis of foreign and domestic experience, method of social survey, generalization and systematization of foreign similar objects of architecture, identification of factors influencing the planning and functional organization of such buildings, adaptive method. Results. The current state of the studied problem is analyzed. The conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study is updated. The main factors of influence on the architectural and planning and functional organization of administrative complexes are determined. The features of the architectural, planning and functional organization of administrative complexes are revealed. The expediency of creating administrative complexes of TG as a way to the development of territorial communities is revealed. Scientific novelty. The features of the architectural, planning and functional organization of the Administrative Complexes of Territorial Communities are revealed and characterized. The methodology of architectural and planning organization of Administrative Complexes of Territorial Communities has been improved. The methods of architectural and planning organization of Administrative Complexes of Territorial Communities were further developed. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further research of the topic and the creation of new administrative complexes of territorial communities.
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