Improvement of coal quarries
mines, landscape parks, career, coal industry, public parks, recreation, industrial tourism, reclamation, reconstructionAbstract
The goal is to study the problem of the coal industry in Ukraine and proposals for solutions. In addition, investigate the ecological impact of abandoned quarries and find out ways to minimize it and propose ways to transform the former mining sites into cultural and public places.
Results. It has been established that today there are 65 cities in the country, in which the main work remains the mine. To solve this problem, it is proposed to establish public landscape parks on the sites of former mines, which would then turn into socio-culinary centers. The experience of other countries, in particular Germany, Poland, Great Britain, is analyzed. The specificity of zoning and landscaping of such territories has been investigated. At a time when many countries are abandoning mining and closing mines, it is important to give employment opportunities to people for whom this was their main source of income and to think about the future of the places destroyed by this industry. In addition, this solves the problem of a shortage of natural landscapes free from buildings and unoccupied for agriculture near large cities, a large spread of disturbed territories. The study of the impact of technologization of industrial production of a modern industrial city requires creative proposals on the tourist services market of Ukraine to familiarize tourists with the unique objects of industrial destinations.
This article focuses on human activities that have greatly influenced our environment. This paper discusses the mining industry, which reflects the activities that have caused and continue to cause change on earth. It has been investigated that, after operation, it is important to turn these industrial and abandoned sites into places of architectural and environmental value.
Quarries can be transformed into large public parks, botanical gardens, natural areas of significant environmental value, auditoriums, tourist buildings, infrastructure, shopping malls, cemeteries and many other recreation areas. In addition to giving new life to «dead» territory, this aspect affects the economics of quarry location and land consumption policy.
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