Features of integration of plants into architecture in world examples of housing design





residential buildings, green architecture, perennials, environmental conditions, organic architecture, eco-neighborhood, landscaping of balconies, vertical landscaping, horizontal landscaping, greenhouses, green roof, landscaping of the house, green infrastructure, biophilic design


The article deals with the impact on the ecosystem of buildings. Ways to solve a significant reduction in landscaping in housing construction have been studied. Peculiarities and types of landscaping arrangements on residential buildings are considered. It has been established that the «green» architecture of housing has a positive effect on the state of human health during rehabilitation and the state of rest. The world tendencies and peculiarities of designing ecological quarters and residential buildings integrated with landscaping are considered.
Purpose. To determine ways to combine landscaping and architecture in housing design, their characteristics, to analyze the world examples of construction and design of residential buildings that form the eco-quarters of the architectural and urban environment. An important task is to confirm the feasibility of combining residential buildings with landscaping systems.
Methodology. The article uses comparative analysis, systematization of research results, identification of basic conditions, and types of landscaping in residential buildings.
Results. The article argues that modern construction conditions suffer from green infrastructure, the presence of which guarantees comfortable living for residents. If you analyze the ways to solve this problem, you can see a growing trend to make landscaping on buildings. The transfer of landscaping inside the house, on the walls and roof, attached structures has many positive factors for both the environment and residents. The world tendencies of the combination of housing function and cultivation of gardening, care for it and influence on the environment are analyzed. Today there are various variants of «green» architecture, the most common of which are green roofs and growing on balconies, terraces, walls. The connection of a person with the environment with the building and the feeling of inner comfort are revealed.
Scientific novelty. The methods of the landscaping of residential buildings are systematized. The ways of using plants and the influence on the emotional state of a person are determined.
Practical significance. The study deepens knowledge in the awareness of green architecture, namely housing, taking into account new trends in sustainable development. Systematization of the landscaping of residential buildings provides an opportunity to consider in more detail the types of plants and methods of attachment for a better design solution with landscaping systems. The results can be used to substantiate the concepts and principles of arranging their own «plots» for growing personal products. This study makes a significant contribution to awareness of current global trends in home design in eco-neighborhoods.


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How to Cite

Buravchenko, S., Pyvovarov, O., & Bezpala, L. (2021). Features of integration of plants into architecture in world examples of housing design. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 124–132. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.24.16299



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