Principles of ergodesigner support of design of aviation systems and measures for their implementation




aviation systems, ergodesign, principles of ergodesign, indicators of ergodesign, requirements, operators, ergonomic design


Ergodesign aspects of economic, social, and ecological components of design and operation of aviation systems have been considered in the article. Each of them has its own ergo design content and needs to be relieved to take into account the «human factor» component — from improving the safety and efficiency of aviation systems to ensuring the required level of functional comfort of service personnel. It specifies the aim of the article: identification of the basic principles of the ergdesign and operation of aircraft systems and ways of their implementation.
Methods of comparative analysis, organi-zational and structural ergodesign assessment, and computer modeling of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) components design are used to specify the importance of ergodesign requirements and parameters during an aviation system designing, importance of their control at different stages of these products life cycle, performing a design process on a human-centric basis, in which the operator is considered as a main integrated component of aviation system during creation efficient, environmentally friendly, and comfortable aviation system.
Basic principles of ergodesign support of modern aviation systems and steps for their realization are defined and proved in paper based on analysis of unmanned aviation systems development.
In particular, has been proven an importance of usage systemic principles of their information models formation as the principles of informativeness, universality, content formation, figurative expressiveness, and targeting in UAS design process.
The following factors that should be taken into account during designing information support systems for UAS operators are identified: detection factor; factor of protection against switching of attention; distinction factor; factor of clarity and brevity of information messages.
Ergodesign principles of the operator workplace as one of the most important components of UAS are developed.
In common, it is determined that the modern format of aviation systems design in Ukraine, mainly unmanned aerial systems, requires a significant refreshment and updating of basic ergo design principles, approaches to their design, and operation.
Keywords: aviation systems; ergodesign; principles of ergodesign; indicators of ergodesign; requirements; operators; ergonomic design.


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How to Cite

Rubtsov, A., Svirko, V., & Otroumov, I. (2021). Principles of ergodesigner support of design of aviation systems and measures for their implementation. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 104–112.



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