Suggestions for improving the existing classification of establishments of the catering trade (objects of public catering)




catering facility, object of public catering, public catering establishments, restaurant, typology of public catering, fast food facilities, leisure food facilities


Purpose. The purpose of this study: to identify the problems of the current classification of Establishments of the catering trade in the state building codes and state standards of Ukraine; Expand the term of «object of public catering» and point out its difference from the terms of «establishment of the catering trade» and «public catering establishment».
Methodology. The research methodology is represented by systemic and integrated scientific approaches, terminological principles, and general scientific and special research methods. General scientific methods were used, such as systemic, analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, generalization, comparison, observation. The empirical basis for carrying out scientific work was natural (observation, photographic recording, description) and remote analysis of objects (analysis of scientific publications, state standards, and building codes, as well as analysis of foreign typology).
Results. The problems of the current classification of establishments of the catering trade are disclosed and proposals for its addition and improvement are given. The necessity of creating a classification of objects of public catering with distribution into fast, leisure, and mixed types has been substantiated.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the development and refinement of theoretical provisions. For the first time: the concept of «object of public catering» is revealed, which the author used in his previous works; found that fast, leisure and mixed food facilities are a priority in the creation of a system for placing food facilities.
Practical significance. Of practical importance are proposals to supplement and change the current classification of establishments of the catering trade, which will help to more accurately distinguish catering establishments in the scientific direction «Architecture and Urban Planning»; Proposals for the distribution of food facilities into fast, leisure and mixed types, became the basis for creating a calculation of service radii for food facilities, will have a further impact on the system of placing food facilities in existing residential areas and those that are being designed.
Keywords: catering facility, object of public catering, public catering establishments, restaurant, typology of public catering , fast food facilities, leisure food facilitie

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How to Cite

Troshkin, A. (2021). Suggestions for improving the existing classification of establishments of the catering trade (objects of public catering). Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 50–57.



Architecture and construction