Semiotic aspect of the evolution of the formation of medical rehabilitation centers




semiotics, sign, code, sign system, semiotic mechanisms of architecture, meaning generation in architecture, architectural and spatial perception, shaping, subject-spatial environment, architecture of medical institutions, medical rehabilitation centers, stages of development


This article considers the patterns and features of the manifestation of architectural sign systems in the evolution of the formation of medical rehabilitation centers that directly affect the perception, functional and planning organization and the formation of three-dimensional solutions of medical institutions of this type.
Architecture, representing a comprehensive phenomenon of human existence, is included in all spheres of life and can be considered as a system of constant exchange of information between man and the artificial environment. The study found that architectural language, which is one of the components of the perception of three-dimensional solutions of architectural objects and is considered mainly in terms of semiotics, and today is undergoing significant changes.
During the analysis of the historical development of health care institutions, in particular medical and rehabilitation centers, a rapid transformation of the functional-planning organization was noted, which contributed to changes in architectural and spatial solutions of medical facilities, as well as a strong connection with the environment, society and the spirit of the day, reflected in architecture and preserved for millennia.
Based on the analysis of the formation of institutions of this type, the main characteristic stages of development of architectural and spatial organization of medical care facilities were formed, which are divided into four generations of medical institutions, namely: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Classicism, XIX – XXI century.
Thus, according to the purpose of the study, which is to determine the patterns and features of the manifestation of sign systems in the context of the evolution of health care, the author analyzed the theoretical basis of the study, characterized the specifics of the cognitive method of meaning in architecture, identified patterns and features of architectural signs. systems of medical and rehabilitation buildings.
Keywords: semiotics; sign; code; sign system; semiotic mechanisms of architecture; meaning generation in architecture; architectural and spatial perception; shaping; subject-spatial environment; architecture of medical institutions; medical rehabilitation centers; stages of development


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How to Cite

Tetiana. (2021). Semiotic aspect of the evolution of the formation of medical rehabilitation centers. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 33–41.



Architecture and construction