Types of floral design





flower garden, decorativeness, problems of flower decoration, flowerbeds, decorative effect


The paper raises the issue of the variety of flower decoration in settlements, as a result of the study revealed the main factors on which the quality of flower beds depends. The most optimal forms of flower garden design were found. The modern tendencies of formation of various kinds of flower and ornamental compositions used in design of modern interiors are analyzed, historical preconditions of ornamental and forest gardening, vegetable growing, new directions of cultivation of ornamental plants, actual aspects of flower registration are discussed. The need to use houseplants in interiors is justified. It was found that when designing flower beds, it is necessary to take into account the laws of composition and color, choose the range of flowering and ornamental plants, taking into account the continuous flowering from early spring to late autumn.
The purpose of the study: to identify the main types of floral design that are used most often. It is determined that the main elements of floral and decorative design are: regular flower arrangements and flower beds, landscape and abstract compositions and exhibition and exhibition objects.
The following problems are outlined in the paper: variations of decoration, types of club plants, landscaping tasks, history of flower plants.
The floral design of cities which gives fast and effective aesthetic result, modern tendencies of use of flower-decorative compositions are considered: rationality and expediency of an arrangement, creation of bright accents in a city landscape. The bulk of flower arrangements are concentrated in the city center, residential centers, places to visit - parks, gardens, squares, etc. Floral decoration of the urban environment is subject to the laws of color, composition, floristics, sanitary and hygienic requirements.
It is presented that the introduction of elements of beauty and naturalness into the urban landscape is achieved by the type of natural, in which the compositional solution and range of plants are similar to natural. The natural motifs include flowering and ornamental deciduous plants in combination with components of the natural landscape (rocky materials of rock and boulder types, ponds, natural geoplastics, garden forms of picturesque configuration).
It is revealed that the complex solution of flower design in the architectural environment takes into account: stylistic architectural solution of buildings and structures, the nature of facades, their color scheme, color, compositional and design features of small architectural forms, urban design elements, material and color of pavement, etc.
Key words: flower garden, decorativeness, problems of flower decoration, flowerbeds, decorative effect.


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20 Landscape Art