Light-color space shaping means in the city and garden




lighting design, light color environment, light architecture, aesthetic quality of lighting, lighting design of the city, light-colored garden, lighting design solutions, artificial light space, functional lighting, decorative lighting, urban planning


The article describes the analysis and identification of the means of forming the lighting of the city and garden. Decorative accent lighting of landscape design elements is of great importance: plant groups, geoplastic elements, water devices, small architectural forms, decorative sculpture, decorative coating.
Methodology. The article uses comparative and historical analysis.
Results. It was found that the light-color environment is formed on the basis of an integrated design. This process includes three levels: the formation of artistic impressions from the architectural and light-color environment, the creation of emotional-figurative characteristics and properties; development of engineering devices and lighting equipment with various performance characteristics; the formation of their own state of the light-color environment for a certain impact on a person, ensuring visual comfort. The need for mastering the art of lighting is clarified, which is solved by architects and designers at the stage of designing a city and urban environment. An integrated approach to solving this problem is not only dictated by economic profitability, but also determined by the social side of the matter.
Scientific novelty. Means of the complex approach to formation of lighting of the city and a garden are revealed. The means used to improve the safety of the architectural environment for various purposes in the dark, the organization of a positive emotional impact of landscape design elements through the harmony of color, stylistic unity with the architectural space and the creation of individual artistic image.
Practical significance. The identified patterns can be applied in the practice of landscape design in creating an artificial world space of the city and garden.
Key words: lighting design; light color environment; light architecture; aesthetic quality of lighting; lighting design of the city; light-colored garden; lighting design solutions; artificial light space; functional lighting; decorative lighting; urban planning


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20 Landscape Art