Green roofs in modern urban development




landscape design, landscaping., urbanized environment, green roofs, roof, Building, energy efficiency, ecology, heat islands, passive house, greening of cities, ecosystem services, urban planning, urban vegetation


This article explores the potential of green gardens in greening over-dense cities. The purpose of this article was to determine the positive influences and alternatives that a more active use of this technology can bring to Ukraine, since the current ecological state of cities is unsatisfactory. A few Ukrainian and foreign sources dealing with this problem were processed.
To create an idea of how the development in the field of green roofing took place, the history of the emergence of green roofs was studied, as well as world-famous examples of such architectural solutions were analyzed. It has been found that green roofs can serve not only as recreational spaces for urban settlements and public spaces, but also as a place for alternative farms.
The introduction of green roofs have high energy efficiency impacts that can improve waste water systems, better regulate building temperatures, help to reduce the impact of urban heat islands, and increase urban wildlife habitat. The sources consider two main types of roof gardening: intensive and extensive gardening. They differ in the way they are set up and the requirements for supportive care, but in both cases, the correct roofing and the selection of plants are important. Only considering of all conditions and nuances, adhering to the technology of the installations, it is possible to achieve the expected result.
It has been established that roof greening is an important component in ensuring the sustainability of integral development in construction. The massive use of such a greening method can provide not only aesthetic needs, but also economic ones. Considering the experience of other countries, it is necessary at the legislative level to introduce compulsory greening of roofs in new buildings roofs in new buildings at the legislative level.
Thus, modern urban planning in Ukraine requires the introduction of such «green oases» according to the level of urbanization of the environment and to the increasing of the negative anthropogenic impact. Thanks to the use of such technologies, it is possible to create a more homogeneous and sustainable ecological environment. In Ukraine, this method of landscaping is only gaining momentum, and, in the future, it is possible to greening many buildings in od to this technology. In the world, the directions of future research are the study of all the beneficial functions of green roofs, as well as solutions for individual functional areas.
Keywords: landscape design; landscaping; urbanized environment; green roofs; roof; building; energy efficiency; ecology; heat islands; passive house; greening of cities; ecosystem services, urban planning, urban vegetation.


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20 Landscape Art