Advantages of providing a comfortable microclimate at the designer’s workplace for people with special needs




microclimate, advantages, individual approach, people with special needs, ergonomic approach


The article discusses the advantages of providing a designer’s workplace with a comfortable microclimate for people with special needs.
Goal. Revealing imperfections in the organization of the microclimate of a designer’s workplace for workers with disabilities and the development of new measures to improve it is an urgent problem that today needs to be solved using the principles of modern ergo design. The use of an individual approach in solving the problem of organizing the microclimate at the designer’s workplace for people with special needs (LOP) was suggested by the author of the article.
Methodology. The study was carried out on the basis of the use of comparison methods, analysis of the latest means of forming a microclimate at the workplaces of designers for LOP, research of modern ergonomic requirements.
Results. The process of human labor activity always takes place in certain meteorological conditions, which are determined by a combination of air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, air velocity and thermal radiation from heated surfaces. The microclimate, which is a complex of these physical factors, affects the heat exchange between the worker and the environment, his thermal state, determining his well-being. Therefore, on how the microclimate is formed at the workplace of the designer for people with special needs, how comfortable and safe it is, the health of the employee and his performance depend on. This space requires a special approach to the formation of the microclimate, since workers with disabilities have different physiological needs in organizing the microclimate of the workplace, depending on the category of disability. Physiological and psychological indicators of an employee are interconnected, therefore, they must be considered as a complex when forming a designer’s workplace, especially for people with special needs. Unfortunately, in the present of our country, most of the design jobs where people with special needs work are not formed on the basis of an individual approach to the microclimate of the workplace, more often this issue is not considered properly at all. Therefore, the use of an individual ergonomic approach in ensuring a comfortable microclimate at the designer’s workplace will solve this problem. Revealing imperfections in the organization of the microclimate of a designer’s workplace for workers with disabilities and the development of new measures to improve it is an urgent problem that today needs to be solved using the principles of modern ergo design. The use of an individual approach in solving the problem of organizing the microclimate at the designer’s workplace for people with special needs was suggested by the author of the article.
Scientific novelty. It consists in determining the advantages of vikoristanya and an individual ergonomic approach in providing a comfortable microclimate at the designer’s workplace for LOP, as well as using the latest ergonomic means.
Reasoned. The information on the problem related to ensuring a comfortable microclimate at the designer’s workplace for the LOP has been worked out, spread the idea of ​​this issue and helped to determine the ways to eliminate it, as well as see the benefits of using an individual ergonomic approach in solving this issue.
The research results can be useful and used in further scientific research to improve the microclimate of the designer’s workplace for LOP.
Key words: microclimate; advantages; individual approach; people with special needs; ergonomic approach


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02 Culture and art