Functional-typological analysis of the development of motorhomes
houses on automobile vehicles, campers, trailers, caravans, “sleepers” in trucks, trailer parks, recreational parkAbstract
The article highlights the problem of creating a living environment in motor vehicles. An analysis of recent studies and publications on the creation of mobile housing revealed individual developments related to regional typological issues of organizing mobile living (scientific works: A. Panfilov, N. Timantseva, V. Vorobiev, D. Tkach, A. Chelnokov).Purpose. Revealing the features of the formation of automotive residential technologies based on the analysis of historical experience and modern practice of use.Methodology. The study is based on an integrated approach: processing of literary sources on the genesis of the formation of automotive housing and analysis of the current state of the residential auto industry.Results. The historical prerequisites for the formation of housing, arranged on the basis of an automobile chassis, and the existing experience of creating motorhomes are investigated. The functional and typological aspect of the practice of using motorhomes and mobile housing parks in the context of social and migration processes is analyzed. It was revealed that self-propelled vehicles (campers) and towed trailers (trailers, caravans) are used to create car residential cells; also, living quarters can be provided in the constructive design of truck cabins (driver rest areas). As a conclusion, a relationship has been established between the functional and planning advantages of motorhomes and their widespread use in labor migration and recreational tourism activities.Scientific novelty. The design and technological features of automobile residential cells are considered and the main types are identified.Practical significance. It is proposed in the conditions of the post-industrial Ukrainian state to use automobile residential technologies to popularize the tourism business.References
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