Analysis of experience of the smart cities’ organization and substantiation of their development conception
smart city, system approach, SWOT analysis, theory of self-organization of complex systems, the conception of smart cities developmentAbstract
The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of modern smart cities, as well as outlines their development conception.Goal. Experience in the design, construction, and operation of smart cities, both completely new and implemented in the form of particular technologies, provides a large amount of data for systematic analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. In turn, the results of such an analysis should be taken into account in the scientific substantiation of the concept of the development of smart cities. The purpose of the publication is to present the results of a systematic analysis of the smart city organization experience and substantiation of the smart city development conception.Methodology. The study was conducted based on a systematic approach in several stages. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of smart cities concerning internal and external factors, the method of SWOT-analysis is used, the results of which are used to substantiate the conception of smart city development. This conception is based on the idea that the city is a complex open dynamic system, formalized from the standpoint of the theory of self-organization of complex systems, as well as bionic analogies of the functioning of the city and living beings.Results. The data characterizing the parameters of smart cities are analyzed. Their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. It is established that they have a systemic nature and are manifested at all levels of organization of the urban environment. The conception of the development of smart cities is sustained. The conception is formulated in the form of five general provisions, principles of organization and coordination of levels of the urban environment, as well as two additional provisions relating to methods of assessment and optimization of the environment.Scientific novelty. Based on the system approach and the theory of self-organization of complex systems the conception of smart city development is sustained for the first time.Practical significance. The data collected on smart cities can be used in a variety of analytical, marketing, and statistical research. The results of the SWOT-analysis can be used to substantiate the conceptions and strategies for the introduction of smart technologies both in the traditional urban environment and in the construction of completely new smart cities.The proposed conception of smart city development can be used in determining the feasibility and purpose of building such a city (district, street, etc.), the introduction of certain technologies, prevention and correction of errors, evaluation, and optimization of the urban environment.References
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