Modeling of visual information systems in the environment of transport centres
Visual information systems, Environment, Design, Modeling, Adaptation of system objects, Transport centersAbstract
Analysis of problems of creation of visual information systems, many years of experience in designing them using their own methodological approaches allow to formulate the author's idea of modeling of visual information systems, based on factors of creation of visual information systems and measures for their application.
The specificity of modeling of visual information systems in the environment of transport centers is revealed, which consists in the systematic coverage of the investigated objects and has the right to the individual uniqueness and originality of the applied methods and the creative product created.
The main task of modeling the visual information systems of transport centers is to provide three aspects of design: information about and use of socially oriented information technologies.
The principles, methods and means of modeling the visual information systems of transport centers are directly relevant to all stages of the creation and use of systems: analysis, design, development, experimental research and testing, evaluation, operation of equipment. Defining is the design and, in particular, modeling, that is, closely related to science and engineering activities to create a prototype, prototype elements or processes of the system.
One of the characteristic features of the formation of visual information systems is their sufficiently rapid moral aging. They are constantly in need of expansion, development, modernization and improvement. The need for time is now to create a more maneuverable system of visual navigation of transport centers, which will be viable in the face of any change in social requests. For the design of visual information systems that can be adapted to certain changes, the modeling stage is the most necessary and relevant, as it provides the verification and forecasting of qualitative and quantitative indicators of each individual variant of the design solution.References
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