New information about Relatives of the artist I. Drіapachenko and their portraits


  • Тетяна Олександрівна Мячкова Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури



I. Driapachenko, Poltava region, Kozelschina district, Portrait, Attribution, Falsification, Examination


New data on the relatives of the Ukrainian artist I. Drіapachenko (1881–1936) will be applied in art history. It is important to prevent fraud with his creative heritage. Despite the presence of professional literature on the creative work of IK Dryapachenko, scientific research on this topic is being conducted for the first time. The methodology is general scientific methods – art history analysis, systematization, a generalization of the topic under study. The basis for the analysis is the documentary memories of the student IK Dryapachenko AK Tereshchenko, stored in the Central State Archives-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. Also, sources should be supplemented with periodicals, reference books, documents of state institutions, audio-testimonies of the artist's relatives, tombstones on the cemetery of the village Vasylivka Kozelshchyna district of Poltava region, where I. Dryapachenko was born. For the first time evidence was provided of family ties between Drіapachenko, Koretsky, Chernenko, Gobran. It makes it possible to carry out the attribution of the portrait of V. Koretskaia, namely, to establish her personal data, approximately the years of the creation of her portrait, and her family ties with I. Drіapachenko. Also it makes it possible to clarify the portrait of M. Gorban. It was formerly known as the artist’s niece portrait. Also this makes it possible to separate relatives from namesakes. The author conducted a documentary and archival search. It allowed to establish family ties between I. Drіapachenko and some persons who lived and live now in the Poltava region. This is important to do because fake paintings by I. Drіapachenko appeared on the antique market of Ukraine. These are rural portraits by 1920–1930. The facts from this article make it possible to counteract negative trends in the Ukrainian antiques market, namely, all kinds of falsifications with the works of I. Driapachenko. The location of most of I. Driapachenko's works is unknown now. That is why all new works with his signature requires special attention and mandatory expertise.

Author Biography

Тетяна Олександрівна Мячкова, Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури



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