Features of the use of metals in the stained glass in various techniques


  • Ганна Володимирівна Новік Національний авіаційний університет
  • Маргарита Геннадіївна Купрієнко Національний авіаційний університет




Stained glass, Glass, Stained glass machinery, Varieties of stained glass


The article deals with stained glass, the main types of stained-glass windows, their features and manufacturing techniques. Stained glass is an art composition of colored, transparent glass or other light-transmitting materials, designed for through-lighting and intended to fill openings. There are some examples of different stained glass techniques used in the interior of different purpose buildings.

On the basis of research the classification of stained glass techniques according to technological features:

- mosaics - stained-glass or colored glass stained with lead, copper or tin cross sections, with the appearance of a geometric or floral ornament or story composition, sometimes painted with ceramic paints;

- stained-glass windows - the painting is made of ceramic or other types of paints, the processing of part of the glass (sandblasting, etching, engraving or other types of decoration);

- other types of stained glass - sintering of a glass base with a pattern with small particles of colored glass or mosaic made of colored glasses to create ornamental or story stained glass windows, combining glass with other materials.

After examination of the main types of stained glass, its manufacturing technologies and features, a classification was created, the features and possibilities of the use of stained glass for the aesthetic and functional organization of the environment were characterized.

The prospect of further research is the study of individual practical techniques for the creation of stained glass windows and the implementation of the latest technologies where reconstruction is possible.

Author Biography

Ганна Володимирівна Новік, Національний авіаційний університет

Старший викладач кафедри дизайну інтер'єру


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How to Cite

Новік, Г. В., & Купрієнко, М. Г. (2019). Features of the use of metals in the stained glass in various techniques. Theory and Practice of Design, 1(16), 101–113. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.16.14333


