Artist metal in orthodox stories of Lukyanov memorial reservoir of Kiev
Artistic metal art, small architectural forms, gravestone, sacred memorial plastic, compositional features, stylistic features.Abstract
The samples of artistic metal art, sacred monuments of the Lukianivsky memorial reserve, many of which are in a residual state, are analyzed. A detailed description of the metal samples is made. The style, composition and semantic features were considered, as well as the process of creation, specifically smithing, cast-iron and bronze casting for the metal made sculptures. It was confirmed, that artistic-decorative and constructive forms of metal made tombstones are unique example of Ukrainian sacred culture. It is emphasized the commonality of their compositional and technological qualities with metal products, decorated garden-park compositions, interiors, facades of urban buildings. An analysis of the peculiarities of the Kiev artistic metal, different in terms of functional purpose and technique of execution, proved the presence of common features in the compositional artistic and figurative field of memorial monuments: the prevalence of vertical, horizontal and turning symmetry; three-part composition of elements of monuments; simple metric repeat compositional solution. A characteristic feature of the shape of products of artistic metal in the Orthodox tradition of burial is the domination of vertical elements of monuments and their accessories. It is interesting to find the expressive possibilities of artistic metal, the form-forming expression of sensuality, expression, which finds practical realization in the creation of curvilinear forms in the beginning of the first ten years of the twentieth century. The focus is on features of Orthodox tombstones of this period. Evolutional changes in the development of sacred art, in particular constructive, technological and artistic preferences of this period under the influence of national tendencies highlighted.References
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