Design ergonomic factors for the creation of visual information systems
Graphic signs, information messages, visual information systems, visual information carriers, design-ergonomic principles, factors, measures for the creation of visual information systems.Abstract
Тhe development of modern systems of iconic visual information is a complex creative process, involving specialists of different profiles: ergonomists, designers, psychologists, linguists. Specificity of the process requires experimental studies on the perception of text and symbolic messages, a comprehensive analysis of the projected object, the development of the principles for placing media of visual information, the creation of the system of graphic signs, color scale, and a dimensional-modular system. The analysis of the problems of the creation of iconic visual information, long-term experience of their design in accordance with the developed and approved methodological approaches allow us to formulate the author's idea, a kind of conceptual model for the design of graphic systems based on well-defined design-ergonomic principles, on the factors behind the creation of visual information systems and on activities for their use. Design of the components of iconic visual information requires the observance of system-based principles: informativeness, functionality, universality, content creation, figurative expressiveness, targeting. When creating and applying iconic visual information it is necessary to take into account the main factors of the operation of information graphics and recommendations for the implementation of these factors: detection, independence from sources of distraction, structuring of distinction, interpretation, concordance, sequence. In modern systems of iconic visual information it is expedient to apply such measures: involvement of the user in the processes of analysis and evaluation of sign information; visualization and coding of the necessary functional components of the systems of iconic visual information; use of expressive means of graphic speech in sign messages; application of corporate style; the introduction of continuous professional monitoring of the state of the visual information environment, the effectiveness of SVI and its individual components.References
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How to Cite
Svirko, V., Rubtsov, A., & Chemakina, O. (2018). Design ergonomic factors for the creation of visual information systems. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 149–173.