Processing technology as a prerequisite for the formation of metal enclosing structures in interior design
Metal, alloy, artistic image, interior design, enclosing structures, shaping, technologies, properties, forging, casting, stainless steel.Abstract
The modern examples of solutions to the design of enclosing structures in the interior of residential and public spaces are analyzed. It has been shown that the staircase fencing is the most revealing object for establishing the interconnection of the features of metallic materials and the features of forming. Elements of filling the fences and decorative partitions made of metal according to various technologies (forging, stamping, molding, welding, cutting) allow us to create a wide range of visual impressions in accordance with the designation of the space and the designer's conception. It is determined that, since the form-making of design object acquires the features specific to its production technology, the processing technology becomes a means of form-making. The peculiarities of the use of this means depend on the conceptual idea of the interior, which determines the contemporary or traditional character of the figurative solution and the desired nature of the plastic, color and texture solution. It is proposed to partially divide the enclosing structures designed in modern interiors into four groups for bonding materials, technologies and form-making: created by traditional technologies in traditional forms; created by traditional technologies in modern forms; created by modern technologies in modern forms; created by modern technologies in traditional forms. For each group, the nature of the impact of processing technology and finishing on form-making is determined. Recommendations in the form of decision-making stages are developed in the choice of technologies for form-making of enclosing structures, proceeding from the concept of interior design.References
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