Daylight stained-glass panel as a means of lightning design


  • L. Koval Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури



Lightning design, stained-glass panel, daylight, lightning environment, decorative lightning, illumination, brightness, luminance difference, nuance, colour, windows, light slots, interior, objective-spatial environment.


Light-generating properties of stained glass are investigated in this paper grounding on the analysis of the light environment of famous architectural objects. It is defined that light-generating properties of stained glass include geometric and space limitation of its lightning shape, and dispersivity of the created illumination. Factors determining each light-generating property are revealed. Geometric and space limitation of the light shape is influenced by proportional correlation of light saturation of interior space, and light slot brightness. Subjective sensation of lightning dispersivity and its manifestation in an objective-spatial environment is determined by the location of a person, an object or light-reflecting surface, as well as their distance from a light slot. The paper discusses and characterizes main strategies of employment of daylight stained-glass panels in lighting design, depending on their light-generating properties and factors that influence them. It is defined that the main strategies of the use of daylight stained-glass panels in lighting design include: combining elements of different light transmittance in one stained-glass window; application of various light-generating properties in the adjacent stained-glass windows; making it impossible to create projective images, glistenings and diffused reflection of coloured stained-glass lighting on the surfaces of fencing constructions and objects in the building; provision of a diffused reflection of the coloured light of stained-glass from the surfaces of fencing constructions and objects; provision of projective glistenings or entire projective reflection of light of stained-glass windows; visual negation of lighting stained-glass windows; application in the temple interior of artificial light sources to support the light distribution of natural light.


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How to Cite

Koval, L. (2018). Daylight stained-glass panel as a means of lightning design. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 59–78.


