Peculiarities of furniture manufacturing using 3D printing
3D, print, printer, furniture, production, technology, material, equipment, method, design, prototype, innovation, development, project, modeling.Abstract
The specifics of the 3D printing process are considered. The areas of application of this technology and various methods of 3D printing have been revealed: the method of layer material surfacing, 3D knitting, etc. The attempts of designers to use this technology in the production of furniture using various materials have been analyzed. Discovered what aspects of creating furniture directly depend on selected materials. The stages of furniture production and their features are considered, for example, searching for analogues, direct designing, creating of prototypes, etc. The chronology of the introduction of 3D technologies into the production process is determined and the reasons for the failures of the first attempts were identified. The process of introduction of the new technology in various industries, in addition to furniture production, is considered, which suggests the rapid development of the new technology and its versatility. It was discovered who one of the first successfully realized the idea of using 3D technologies in the design sphere and how it was achieved, what materials used by the designer, etc. The use of new technology and during the design of interiors as an auxiliary tool for the creation of prototypes of objects on a scale are explored. In addition, the principle of using 3D printing on the production of complex objects is revealed, which significantly simplifies the stage of prototyping. The reasons for using 3D printing as an instrument in the process of creating interior objects are revealed, and the examples of the positive influence of technology introduction into furniture production are shown: acceleration of the process, reduction of expenses, a possibility of projects of various complexity. The technology and stages of production of various types of furniture are investigated. Problems that arise during this process and the reasons for their occurrence are considered. The features of creating of furniture of different kinds by means of 3D printing are revealed as solid-state structures, as well as upholstered furniture.References
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