Methods and receptions of time visualization in a design


  • N. Skliarenko Луцький національний технічний університет



Time, design-system, design, visualization, absolute time, relative time, conditional time, fixing, organization, interpretation, design of time, systems approach.


Methods and receptions of time visualization by design facilities are reasonable in the article. The multidimensionalness of time perception is exposed in conceptions of absolute, relative and conditional time. It is discovered that conception of absolute time is related to cyclic transformations in the nature. The biological rhythms of living organisms and phenomenon of nature come forward as a source of project ideas. Such design-systems are base on cyclic visualization of time flow in the global context of nature changes and apt at self organization. Conception of relative time is based on visualizations of successive temporal intervals and related to realization of linear time. In design relative time is used as a marker of events and intended for organization of processes of man vital functions. His interpretation becomes the method of visualization the conception of conditional time on the basis of emotionally-psychological perception. Time as an artistic category finds a reflection in the by-spectacle forms of art. A time category is the forming factor of design-system organization that determines their design features. It is investigational, that time visualization comes true by the methods of fixing cyclic changes; organizations of temporal intervals and interpretation of time. The receptions of visualization (universality, transformation of structure, form and sizes, statics/dynamics, appearance/disappearance) show boundless possibilities of the use of time as conception and project means. The search of methods and receptions of visualization grounds aspiring to cognition of essence of time and structure organization all processes of man vital functions. Analysis of time as one of categories, that provides integral perception of reality, allows to correlate the value of time in theoretical and artistically-project aspects.


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How to Cite

Skliarenko, N. (2018). Methods and receptions of time visualization in a design. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 147–159.


