The principles of design of interior of the modern Crimean Tatar coffee houses on the basis of national architectural and artistic traditions


  • S. Privolneva Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ



Principles, Crimean Tatar architecture, design of interior, arts and crafts, coffee house, ethnic home, national traditions, innovation.


In the article the features of construction activity of the Crimean Tatars in the beginning of the XXI century are analyzed. It emphasizes the relevance of modern coffee houses, which are an important component of the revival of national culture. The principles of creation of modern Crimean Tatar coffee houses based on creative use of national architectural and artistic traditions are developed. The positive results of transformation of ethnic Crimean Tatar habitation into modern coffee houses are analyzed, the communicative function of modern coffee houses is underlined. The principles of design of interior of the modern Crimean Tatar coffee houses depend on the location of the coffee house (in an old residential building, in a new building, in a renovated historic building), from the original functional purpose of the old building, from spatial and planning solutions for the new building, from the future public role of the restored historic building. When placing a coffee house in an authentic building of the Crimean Tatar house, the principle of design of interior of the coffee house is the re-creation of the konak-room (room for male guests). When placing a coffee house in a modern building, the principle of visual communication of the internal space with the external space is used. When placing a coffee house in a restored historical building, the principle of tactful inclusion of authentic objects of the Crimean Tatar culture and works of contemporary art in the interior of the coffee house is used. The need to study the experience of designing coffee houses by modern Crimean Tatar architects and designers is confirmed, since the creation of a national architecture is important for national self-identification.


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How to Cite

Privolneva, S. (2018). The principles of design of interior of the modern Crimean Tatar coffee houses on the basis of national architectural and artistic traditions. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 124–135.


