Special graphic fashion-designer: theoretical and practical aspect


  • O. Lahoda




Design of clothes, design process, image of a suit, costumeography, graphic component, visual narrative.


The article considers the role of graphic component of a fashion design process due to the possession of the basic principle of costumeography. This ability means, first of all, the presence of knowledge about an anatomy and structure of body of man. In addition, skills to do the model sketching various materials in different techniques, passing character of motions, basic proportional relations, to summarize formal signs or do the necessary working out in detail of image. Ability to "grab" the contours of man in a suit, and in future stylization them is the sign of acquisition of mastery, as one of professional competences. Improvement in the process of studies of quality of the model sketching, ambulances of linear sketches, combined voice-frequency brief pictures from nature in various poses, desirably – typical for an image models, provides basis for development of individual manner of project graphic arts. Sketches and graphic sketches are the inalienable constituent of project process and original language of expression by the designer of authorial conceptions. This contributes to the fact that the costume designer reveals his own creative potential; his distinct professional personality is formed. In order for the designer's idea to be embodied in the selected material, it is necessary first to fix the design idea on a paper. During the various stages of the design process, the graphic image undergoes significant transformations. These transformations are a special problem the essence of which is to keep the main content of design creativity on the way to implementing the model through the transformation of the graphic component. Thus, scientific reflection requires not only the basic functions of clothing (as things) but its imaginative-stylish solution - the image of a person in a costume in general. According to the author, this aspect of modern design is the most relevant and promising direction for further researches.


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