Features of the formation of the modern sculptural part of the Bila Tserkva dendrological park "Alexandria"


  • L. Gnatyuk Національний Авіаційний Університет, Київ
  • Y. Yatsenko Національний Авіаційний Університет, Київ




Dendrological park, landscape park, modern sculpture, symbols, allegories, garden art.


In this article, we explore the peculiarities of the sculpture of the Alexandria park, namely, clarifying the symbolic and allegorical significance of the contemporary "Alexandria" sculptures, which complements the general picture of the diverse studies of this landscape object and greatly enriches the idea. of the artistic design of the park. The artistic language of the park sculpture is quite diverse. Based on the general themes of the Alexandria park ensemble, symbols, allegories and metaphors are introduced into the role, helping the visitor to feel the author's ideological intention holistically. The main thematic cycles which are devoted to sculptural works are revealed, their symbolic significance is determined, according to historical and political realities of that time. Some sculptural works, which appear on historical photographs, drawings and engravings, are established. The results of recent archaeological excavations by V. Pavlyuchenko, which shed light on the significance of some compositions, are analyzed. An explanation of the literary basis laid down in the foundation of the creation of "Alexandria" is given. Park sculpture is considered not only as an element of the general ensemble in the country's landscape gardening, but also as a separate type of sculpture, which has its own artistic value and semantic value. Sculptural works of "Alexandria" are the component that adds content to park compositions and have their own artistic value. Each element in the landscape objects of the period of the XX-XXI century does not appear by chance and, as it turned out, is connected with the literary and religious basis, as well as with the commemoration of the owner's period of life of the park themselves.


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How to Cite

Gnatyuk, L., & Yatsenko, Y. (2018). Features of the formation of the modern sculptural part of the Bila Tserkva dendrological park "Alexandria". Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 62–72. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13453


