Systematization and classification of office space


  • D. Avramenko Луцький національний технічний університет



Office, designing, administrative premises, localization, workplace, humanization of the office environment, office evolution, "cooworking", "touchdown", zoning, atrium, versatility.


The article proposes classification of office space, based on the main stages of its evolution, namely: isolated private offices; "Factory format" of offices; "Burolandshaf"; "Action Office"; "Action Office 2"; "Co-working" and offices "Touchdown". Analysis of the evolution of office spaces ensured the absorption of the following key and most representative relationships of the three parameters: localization, isolation and organization of the employee's workplace. It was revealed that the localization of the employee in the office caused his division into two types with a classical (fixed) and alternative (variable) workplace. Further division into subspecies, namely full (provides linear-longitudinal and atrium layout of functional zones), disassociated and openings office is due to the degree of isolation of the employee. The next delineation of the office environment for typological groups is private-individual, team-based and collaborative determined by the general organization of the workers' space. Accordingly, the first includes the factory production, the bureau landscape and the cube, and the second contains only the bullpen  type with the cluster subtype of the layout of the functional zones. The third is formed in the context of alternative offices. It involves the absence of isolation and the general organization of work, is divided into two types of co-anchoring (including an open plan office) and touchdown office (divided into square-planimetric, different-ladder and arbitrary-non-euclidean subtype). The final section of the administrative space for subtypes, namely the layout of the main functional zones is determined by the features of the tectonics of the house, provides for their separation into isolated-closed or offices with open planning characteristics. It is the division into subtypes according to the peculiarities of the layout of the main functional areas of offices that formed the notion of modern design approaches to the design of administrative interiors.


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How to Cite

Avramenko, D. (2018). Systematization and classification of office space. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 5–14.


