Measure in interiors of historical styles


  • A. Romaskevich (Solomenko)



Category metacategory of aesthetics measure, historical style, interior, relief, color, harmony, aesthetics, form, image, space.


Concepts a measure in an esthetics on the example of the interiors executed in historical styles are analysed. 1000 photos of monuments of architecture, the museums, palaces, locks, period furniture and home decoration are studied. Are considered in compliance of interiors of various eras and the principles by which interiors, their compliance to certain esthetic categories were created. In the interiors executed in historical styles, much attention was paid by proportions, to a combination of flowers, dressing, are directed to creation of effect – to strike with the space especially characteristic of temples and palaces. The measure as category of an esthetics, was used in creation of the interiors executed in historical styles by means of a combination of flowers, use of light, the materials, forms, textures, reliefs, scale, proportions and their ratio among themselves shining, polished and smooth surfaces, improvement of elements of an interior, accounting of a view from windows for achievement of complete ensemble.


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How to Cite

Romaskevich (Solomenko), A. (2017). Measure in interiors of historical styles. Theory and Practice of Design, (13), 193–201.


